Outstanding staff members are honored for their service.

Staff Resources
Staff Appreciation & Suggestion Box

NU Service Excellence

McCormick values our staff and their contributions in support of our education and research mission. NU Service Excellence, Northwestern’s employee recognition program is intended to reward and recognize staff who have gone above and beyond their daily job responsibilities to complete a task and or achieve a goal for Northwestern. NU Service Excellence is a great way for McCormick faculty and supervisors to recognize staff. Visit the Human Resources site to learn more about NU Service Excellence

McCormick Staff Suggestion Box

Thank you for your interest in submitting your suggestions to McCormick Administration. This form is open to current staff only.

McCormick Welcomes Your Suggestions

In response to the Northwestern Staff Engagement Survey and as a tool for continuous improvement, McCormick leadership looks forward to hearing from you in this new, anonymous Staff Suggestion Box. It is our intent that this space will afford McCormick staff the opportunity to share recommendations for potential action towards some key areas of focus:

  • Work Tasks
  • Rewards & Recognition
  • Talent & Staffing
  • Community & Belonging

Input may be lists of action items, ideas for new programs and/or elimination of existing ones. We value all input and ask that content always remain respectful, constructive and aligned with McCormick mission of research and teaching. Any content not in line with these principles may be removed.

Submittals should be clearly linked to one of the four areas of focus and include details on who would be impacted and how the change would be implemented. For instance, would the proposed change be implemented for the entire school or focus on a particular department or unit. Additional consideration will be given to suggestions in line with McCormick’s efforts to optimize the whole and Northwestern’s cost containment measures.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Submit Your Suggestion