Undergraduate Study
ABET Outcomes
ABET Course Partitioning

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Biomedical Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering0%0%0%
207-0: BME Lab: Experimental Design0%100%0%
220-0: Introduction to Biomedical Statistics0%100%0%
250-0: Thermodynamics0%100%0%
270-0: Fluid Mechanics0%100%0%
271-0: Introduction to Biomechanics0%100%0%
301-0: Quantitative Systems Physiology0%100%0%
302-0: Quantitative Systems Physiology0%100%0%
303-0: Quantitative Systems Physiology0%100%0%
308-0: Biomedical Signals and Circuits 0%100%0%
309-0: Biomedical Systems Analysis 0%100%0%
311-0: Computational Genomics0%100%0%
317-0: Biochemical Sensors0%100%0%
323-0: Visual Engineering Science0%100%0%
325-0: Introduction to Medical Imaging0%100%0%
327-0: Magnetic Resonance Imaging0%100%0%
333-0: Modern Optical Microscopy & Imaging0%100%0%
343-0: Biomaterials and Medical Devices0%100%0%
344-0: Biological Performance of Materials0%100%0%
346-0: Tissue Engineering0%100%0%
347-0 : Foundations of Regenerative Engineering 0%100%0%
348-0: Applications of Regenerative Engineering0%100%0%
353-0: Bioelectronics0%100%0%
354-0: Bioelectronics Lab0%100%0%
365-0: Control of Human Limbs and Their Artificial Replacements0%100%0%
366-0: Movemt Biomechcs0%100%0%
371-0: Mechanics of Biological Tissue0%100%0%
377-0: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics0%100%0%
378-0: Transport Fundamentals0%100%0%
380-0: Medical Devices, Disease & Global Health0%100%0%
388-SA: Health Technology Engineering0%100%0%
389-SA: Health Technology Management0%50%50%
390-1: Biomedical Engineering Design0%100%0%
390-2: Biomedical Engineering Design0%100%0%
390-3: Biomedical Engineering Design0%100%0%
391-SA: HealthCare Techology Innovation and Design0%100%0%
395-0: Topics in Biomedical Engineering0%100%0%
395-0: Bioprocess Technology0%100%0%
396-0: Special Topics0%100%0%
397-0: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering0%100%0%
398-0: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering0%100%0%

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Chemical and Biological Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Getting to Know Chemical Engineering0%100%0%
190-0: Engg of Chem & Biol Proc0%100%0%
210-0: Analysis of Chemical Processes0%100%0%
211-0: Thermodynamics0%100%0%
212-0: Phased Equilibrium and Staged Separations0%100%0%
275-0: Molecular & Cell Biology for Engineers100%0%0%
307-0: Kinetics and Reactor Engineering0%100%0%
312-0: Probability & Statistics for Chemical Engineering0%100%0%
321-0: Fluid Mechanics0%100%0%
322-0: Heat Transfer0%100%0%
323-0: Mass Transfer0%100%0%
330-0: Molecular Engineering and Statistical Mechanics0%100%0%
341-0: Dynamics & Control of Chemical and Biological Proc0%100%0%
342-0: Chem Engg Lab0%100%0%
345-0: Process Optimization0%100%0%
351-0: Proc Ec Des Ev0%100%0%
352-0: Chem Eng Des Prj0%100%0%
355-0: Chemical Product Design 0%100%0%
361-0: Intro Polymers0%100%0%
364-0: Chem Proc Enviro0%100%0%
365-0: Sustainability, Technology, and Society 0%100%0%
367-0: Quant Methods Life Cycle Anal0%100%0%
372-0: Bionanotechnology0%100%0%
373-0: Biotech and Global Health0%100%0%
375-0: Biochemical Eng0%100%0%
376-0: Principles of Synthetic Bio0%100%0%
377-0: Bioseparations0%100%0%
378-0: Deconstructing Synthetic Biology0%100%0%
379-0: Computational Biology: Princ &0%100%0%
381-0: Practical Biological Imaging0%100%0%
382-0: Regulatory Sciences in Biotechnology0%100%0%
395-0: Principles of Synthetic Biology0%100%0%
395-0: Sustainable Manufacturing0%100%0%
395-0: Advanced Probability and Statistics0%100%0%
395-0: Structure and Dynamics of Soft Materials0%100%0%
395-0: Artificial Life0%100%0%
395-0: Electrochemical Energy Storage0%100%0%
395-0: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals100%0%0%
395-0: Computer Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems0%100%0%
395-0: Differential Geometry100%0%0%
395-0: Spec Topics0%100%0%
395-0: Biotechnology and Global Health0%100%0%

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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering 0%0%0%
190-0: Civil and Env. Engrg. Seminar0%100%0%
195-0: Intro. Civil and Env. Engrg.0%100%0%
201-0: Engineering Possibilities0%100%0%
202-0: Biological and Ecological Principles100%0%0%
203-0: Earth in the Anthropocene100%0%0%
205-0: Economics and Finance for Engineers0%100%0%
216-0: Mech Of Mtls I0%100%0%
220-0: Structural Art0%100%0%
221-0: Theory Struc I0%100%0%
250-0: Intro Soil Mech0%100%0%
260-0: Fund Environ Eng0%100%0%
280-1: Architectural Engineering & Design Seminar I 0%100%0%
280-2: Architectural Engineering & Design Seminar II 0%100%0%
280-3 : Architectural Engineering & Design Seminar III0%100%0%
295-0-21: Biology, Ecology, and Engineering100%0%0%
295-0-23: Physical Geology for Engineering100%0%0%
301-1: Professional Devel. Seminar - I0%100%0%
301-2: Professional Devel. Seminar - II0%100%0%
302-0: Engineering Law0%100%0%
303-0: Environmental Law and Policy0%0%100%
304-0: Civil/Envr Eng Syst Analysis50%50%0%
306-0: Uncert Analysis Civ Eng50%50%0%
308-0 : Environmental Justice0%0%100%
309-0 : Climate and Energy - Law and Policy0%0%100%
314-0: Organic Geochemistry100%0%0%
317-0: Biogeochemistry100%0%0%
318-0: Mechanics of Fracture0%100%0%
319-0: Theory of Structures II0%100%0%
320-0: Structural Analysis--Dynamics0%100%0%
321-0: Concrete Prop0%100%0%
322-0: Structural Des0%100%0%
323-0: Structural Steel Design0%100%0%
325-0: Reinf Concrete0%100%0%
326-0: Engineering Forensics0%100%0%
327-0: FE Methods in Mechanics0%100%0%
328-0: Computational Forensics and Failure Analysis0%100%0%
330-0: Constructn Mgmt0%100%0%
332-0: Building Const. Estimating0%100%0%
336-0: Proj Scheduling0%100%0%
340-0: Hydraulics and Hydrology0%100%0%
346-0: Ecohydrology0%100%0%
349-0: Environmental Management 0%100%0%
352-0: Foundation Eng0%100%0%
353-0 : Energy Geostructures & Geosystems0%100%0%
355-0: Hydrogeology and Subsurface Contamination0%100%0%
356-0: Transport Processes in Porous Media0%100%0%
357-0: Terramechanics0%100%0%
358-0: Airphoto Interpretation0%100%0%
361-1: Environmental Microbiology0%100%0%
361-2: Public and Environmental Health0%100%0%
363-0: Environ Engrg Apps I: Air & Land0%100%0%
364-0: Sustainable Water Systems0%100%0%
365-0: Environ Lab0%100%0%
367-0: Chemical Processes in Aquatic Systems0%100%0%
368-0: Sustainability: The City0%100%0%
370-0: Emerging Organic Contaminants0%100%0%
371-0: Transp Plan/Anal0%100%0%
376-0: Transportation System Ops.0%100%0%
377-0 : Choice Modelling in Engineering0%100%0%
382-1: Capstone Design I 0%100%0%
382-2: Capstone Design II0%100%0%
385-1: Architectural Engrg. and Des. - I0%100%0%
385-2: Architectural Engrg and Des.- II0%100%0%
385-3: Architectural Engrg. and Des. - III0%100%0%
386-0: High Performance Architectural Design0%100%0%
387-0: Design of Sustainable Urban Developments0%100%0%
388-1: Building Science I: Fundamentals for Sustainable Buildings0%100%0%
395-20: Projects Practicum in Environmental Engineering 0%100%0%
395-22: Environmental Justice – Environmental Protection and Social Equity 0%0%100%
395-23: Climate and Energy Law & Policy 0%0%100%
395-25: Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East0%0%100%
395-26:  Building Science: Fundamentals and Applications for Sustainable Buildings 0%100%0%
395-27:  Building Science: Fundamentals and Applications for Sustainable Buildings 0%100%0%
395-28: Terramechanics0%100%0%
398-1: Community-Based Design - I0%100%0%
398-2: Community-Based Design - II0%100%0%

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Computer Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
203-0: Intro to Computer Engineering0%100%0%
205-0: Comp Sys Softwr0%100%0%
295-0: Special Topics in CE0%100%0%
303-0: Advanced Digital Design0%100%0%
329-0: Art of Multicore Concur. Progr0%100%0%
334-0: Fundamentals of Blockchains and Decentralization0%100%0%
346-0: Microprocessor System Design0%100%0%
347-1: Microproc Systems Project I0%100%0%
347-2: Microproc Systems Project II0%100%0%
355-0: ASIC and FPGA Design0%100%0%
356-0: Intro to Formal Specif & Verif0%100%0%
357-0: Automation in VLSI0%100%0%
358-0: Intro Paral Comp0%100%0%
361-0: Computer Architecture I0%100%0%
362-0: Computer Architecture Projects0%100%0%
364-0: CyberPhysical Systems Design and Application0%100%0%
365-0: Internet-of-things Sensors, Systems, And Applications0%100%0%
366-0: Embedded Systems0%100%0%
368-0: Massively Parallel Prog w/CUDA0%100%0%
369-0: Intro to Sensor Networks0%100%0%
391-0: VLSI Circuits0%100%0%
392-0: VLSI Systems Design Projects0%100%0%
393-0: Advanced VLSI IC Design0%100%0%
395-0: Special Topics in CE0%100%0%

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Computer Science

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Computer Science Concepts0%100%0%
110-0: Introduction to Computer Programming0%100%0%
111-0: Fundamentals of Computer Programming0%100%0%
130-0: Tools and Technology of the World-Wide Web0%100%0%
150-0: Fundamentals of Computer Programming 1.50%100%0%
211-0: Fundamentals of Computer Programming II0%100%0%
212-0: Mathematical Found of Comp Sci100%0%0%
213-0: Introduction to Computer Systems0%100%0%
214-0: Data Structures and Algorithms0%100%0%
217-0: Data Management and Information Processing0%100%0%
260-0: Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies20%30%50%
295-0: Special Topics in CS0%100%0%
296-0: Intermediate Topics in Computer Science0%100%0%
298-0 : CS Research Track Program0%100%0%
301-0: Intro to Robotics Lab0%100%0%
307-0: Introduction to Cryptography0%100%0%
310-0: Scalable Software Architectures0%100%0%
311-0: Inclusive Making0%100%0%
312-0: Data Privacy0%100%0%
313-0: Tangible Interac Dsgn & Lrn0%100%0%
314-0: Technology & Human Interaction0%100%0%
315-0: Design, Technology, & Research0%100%0%
321-0: Programming Languages0%100%0%
322-0: Compiler Construction0%100%0%
323-0: Code Analysis and Transformation0%100%0%
324-0 : Dynamics of Programming Languages0%100%0%
325-0: Artificial Intelligence Programming0%100%0%
326-0: Introduction to the Data Science Pipeline0%100%0%
327-0: Generative Methods0%100%0%
329-0: HCI Studio0%100%0%
330-0: Human Computer Interaction0%80%20%
331-0: Introduction to Computational Photography0%100%0%
332-0 : Online Markets50%30%20%
333-0 : Interactive Information Visualization0%100%0%
335-0: Intro to Theory of Computation25%75%0%
336-0: Design & Analysis of Algorithms25%75%0%
337-0: Natural Language Processing0%100%0%
338-0: Practicum in Intelligent Information Systems0%100%0%
339-0: Introduction to Database Systems0%100%0%
340-0: Introduction to Networking0%100%0%
341-0: Mechanism Design0%100%0%
343-0: Operating Systems0%100%0%
344-0: Building Problem Solvers0%100%0%
345-0: Distributed Systems0%100%0%
346: Microcontroller System Design0%100%0%
347-0: Conversational AI0%100%0%
348-0: Introduction to AI0%100%0%
349-0: Machine Learning0%100%0%
350-0: Intro to Computer Security0%100%0%
351-1: Intro to Computer Graphics0%100%0%
351-2: Intermediate Computer Graphics0%100%0%
352-0: Machine Perception of Music & Audio0%100%0%
354-0: Computer System Security0%100%0%
355-0:  Digital Forensics and Incident Response0%100%0%
367-0: Wireless and Mobile Health: Passive Sensing Data Analytics0%100%0%
368-0 : Programming Massively Parallel Processors with CUDA0%100%0%
370-0: Computer Game Design0%80%20%
371-0: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning0%100%0%
372-0: Designing & Constructing Models with Multi-Agent Language0%100%0%
376-0: Game Design and Development0%100%0%
377-0: Game Design Studio0%100%0%
392-0 : Rapid Prototyping for Software Innovation0%100%0%
393-0: Software Construction0%100%0%
394-0: Agile Software Development0%100%0%
396-0: Special Topics in CS0%100%0%
397-0: Special Projects in CS0%100%0%

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Data Science and Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
200-0: Foundations of Data Science0%100%0%
300-0: Data Engineering Studio 0%100%0%

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Electrical Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
100-0: Adventures in Electrical & Com0%100%0%
195-0: Special Topics in EE0%100%0%
202-0: Intro: Electrical Engineering0%100%0%
221-0: Fundamentals of Circuits0%100%0%
222-0: Fundamentals of Signals & Systems0%100%0%
223-0: Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering0%100%0%
224-0: Fundamentals of Electromagnetics & Photonics0%100%0%
225-0: Fundamentals of Electronics0%100%0%
250-0: Physical Electronics and Devices0%100%0%
295-0: Special Topics in EE0%100%0%
302-0: Probabilistic Systems100%0%0%
307-0: Communications Systems0%100%0%
308-0: Advanced Electromagnetics and Photonics0%100%0%
326-0: Electronic System Design I0%100%0%
327-0: Electronic System Design II: Project0%100%0%
328-0: Information Theory & Learning0%100%0%
331-0: Introduction to Computational Photography0%100%0%
332-0: Introduction to Computer Vision0%100%0%
333-0: Introduction to Communication Networks0%100%0%
334-0: Fundamentals of Blockchains and Decentralization0%100%0%
335-0: Deep Learning Foundations from Scratch0%100%0%
353-0: Digital Microelectronics0%100%0%
359-0: Digital Signal Processing0%100%0%
360-0: Introduction to Feedback Systems0%100%0%
363-0: Digital Filtering0%100%0%
372-1: Robot Design Studio0%100%0%
372-2: Robot Design Studio0%100%0%
373-0: Deep Reinforcement Learning0%100%0%
374-0: Introduction to Digital Control0%100%0%
375-0: Machine Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Algorithms0%100%0%
378-0: Digital Communications0%100%0%
379-0: Lasers and Coherent Optics0%100%0%
380-0: Wireless Communications0%100%0%
381-0 : Electronic Materials: Properties and Applications20%80%0%
382-0 : Photonic Information Processing0%100%0%
383-0: Fiber-Optic Communications0%100%0%
384-0 : Solid State Electronic Devices20%80%0%
385-0: Optoelectronics20%80%0%
387-0: Advanced Digital Systems Design with FPGAs0%100%0%
388-0: Nanotechnology20%80%0%
389-0: Superconductivity and Its Applications20%80%0%
390-0: Introduction to Robotics0%100%0%
395-0: Special Topics in EE0%100%0%
398-0: Electrical Engineering Design0%100%0%

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Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
245-0: Elementary Applied Linear Algebra100%0%0%
252-1: Honors Calc/Engg100%0%0%
252-2: Honors Calc/Engg100%0%0%
311-0: Methods of Applied Mathematics90%10%0%
311-1: Meth Appld Math90%10%0%
311-2: Meth Appld Math90%10%0%
312-0: Methods of Applied Mathematics: Complex Variables 100%0%0%
322-0: Applied Dynamical Systems80%20%0%
344-0: High Performance Scientific Computing10%90%0%
345-0: Applied Linear Algebra70%30%0%
346-0: Modeling/Computation80%20%0%
370-0: Introduction to Computational Neuroscience90%10%0%
375-1: Quantitative Biology I: Experiments, Data, Models, and Analysis50%50%0%
375-2: Quantitative Biology II: Experiments, Data, Models, and Analysis50%50%0%
395-0: Selected Topics In Applied Mathematics100%0%0%

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Farley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
225-0: Principles of Entrepreneurship0%50%50%
311-0: Storytelling for Business0%0%100%
325-0: Engineering Entrepreneurship0%50%50%
330-1: Startup Accounting0%0%100%
331-0: Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing0%0%100%
340-0: Innovate for Impact0%25%75%
360-0: Leadership, Ethics, and You0%0%100%
361-0: Entrepreneurship Demystified0%0%100%
365-0: Tech Ethics and Business Integrity0%0%100%
380-1: Bay Area Experiential Seminar0%0%100%
380-2: Bay Area Experiential Seminar0%0%100%
395-0: Special Topics: Entrepreneurship in Synthetic Biology0%50%50%

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General Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
205-1: Engineering Analysis I80%20%0%
205-2: Engineering Analysis II50%50%0%
205-3: Engineering Analysis III80%20%0%
205-4: Engineering Analysis IV90%10%0%
206-1: Honor Engineering Analysis I80%20%0%
206-2: Honors Engineering Analysis II50%50%0%
206-3: Honors Engineering Analysis III80%20%0%
206-4: Honors Engineering Analysis IV90%10%0%
220-1: Analy/Comp Graph0%100%0%
220-2: Analy/Comp Graph II 0%100%0%

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Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
201-0: Introduction to Statistics100%0%0%
202-0: Probability100%0%0%
225-0: Principles of Entrepreneurship0%50%50%
302-0: Probability100%0%0%
303-0: Statistics0%100%0%
304-0: Statistical Methods for Data Mining0%100%0%
307-0: Quality Improvement by Experimental Design 0%100%0%
308-0: Data Science and Analytics0%100%0%
310-0: Operations Research 0%100%0%
313-0: Foundations of Optimization0%100%0%
315-0: Stochastic Models0%100%0%
317-0: Discrete Event Systems Simulation0%100%0%
325-0: Engineering Entrepreneurship0%50%50%
340-0: Qualitative Methods in Engineering Systems0%100%0%
341-0: Social Networks Analysis0%50%50%
342-0: Organizational Behavior0%50%50%
343-0: Project Management for Engineers0%50%50%
344-0: Whole-Brain Leadership0%50%50%
345-0: Negotiations and Conflict Resolution for Engineers0%50%50%
349-0: Organizational Leadership 0%50%50%
349-SA: Organizational Leadership 0%50%50%
351-0: Optimization Methods in Data Science0%100%0%
365-0: Analytics for Social Good0%100%0%
373-0: Intro to Financial Engineering0%100%0%
381-0: Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis0%100%0%
382-0: Operations Engineering and Management0%100%0%
383-0: Service Operations Management0%100%0%
385-0: Intro. to Health Systems Mgmnt. 0%100%0%
393-1: Industrial Engineering Design Project 10%100%0%
393-2: Industrial Engineering Design Project 20%100%0%
394-0: IE Client Project Challenge0%100%0%
395-0: Building Next-Generation AI Applications with IBM 0%100%0%
395-0: Entrepreneurial Ventures 0%0%0%
395-0: Data Science and Analytics 0%100%0%
395-0: Spec Top in IE0%0%0%
395-SA: Leading & Leveraging Networks 0%50%50%

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Materials Science and Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
190-0: Freshman Seminar0%100%0%
201-0: Introduction to Materials0%100%0%
301-0: Materials Science Principles0%100%0%
302-0: Introduction to Materials Laboratories0%100%0%
314-0: Thermodynamics of Materials 0%100%0%
315-0: Phase Equilibria & Diffusion of Materials0%100%0%
316-1: Microstructural Dynamics0%100%0%
316-2: Microstructural Dynamics0%100%0%
318-0: Materials Selection0%100%0%
331-0: Soft Materials0%100%0%
332-0: Mechanical Behavior of Solids0%100%0%
336-0: Chemical Synthesis of Materials0%100%0%
337-0: Conducting Polymers0%100%0%
340-0: Ceramic Processing0%100%0%
351-1: Introductory Physics of Materials50%50%0%
351-2: Introductory Physics of Materials0%100%0%
353-0: Bioelectronics0%100%0%
354-0: Bioelectronics Lab0%100%0%
355-0: Electronic Materials0%100%0%
357-0: Nanomagnetic Materials for Information Storage0%100%0%
358-0: Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 0%100%0%
360-0: Introduction to Electron Microscopy0%100%0%
361-0: Crystallography and Diffraction50%50%0%
370-0: Biomaterials0%100%0%
371-0: Biominerals: Hierarchical Architecture and Function0%100%0%
376-0: Nanomaterials0%100%0%
380-0: Introduction Surface Science and Spectroscopy0%100%0%
381-0: Materials for Energy-Efficient Technology0%100%0%
382-0: Electrochemical Energy Materials and Devices0%100%0%
385-0: Electronic and Thermal Properties of Materials0%100%0%
387-0:  Solar Energy Conversion0%100%0%
390-0: Materials Design0%100%0%
391-0: Process Design0%100%0%
394-0: Honors Project in Materials Science0%100%0%
395: Electrodynamics and its App to Mat Sci50%50%0%
395: Elec and Thermal Prop of Matls50%50%0%
395: Solar Energy Conversion0%100%0%
395: Materiality in Art and Archeology33%33%34%
395-0: Bio-inspired Surface Engineering0%100%0%
395-0: Solar Energy Conversion0%100%0%
395-0: Experimental Bio-Inspired Surface Engineering0%100%0%
395-0: Special Topics0%100%0%
395-1: Special Topics: Mummy Portraits Tebtunis0%0%100%
395-20: The Many Faces of Roman Egypt: Materials Science and Socioeconomics of Portrait Mummies from Ancient Fayum0%0%100%
396-1: Senior Project in Materials Science and Engineering0%100%0%
396-2: Senior Project in Materials Science and Engineering0%100%0%
397-0: Special Topics in Materials Science and Engineering0%100%0%

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Mechanical Engineering

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
222-0: Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics - I0%100%0%
224-0: Scientific and Embedded Programming in Python0%100%0%
233-0: Electronics Design0%100%0%
240-0: Introduction to Mechanical Design and Manufacturing 0%100%0%
241-0: Fluid Mechan I0%100%0%
301-0: Introduction to Robotics Laboratory0%100%0%
314-0: Machine Dynamics0%100%0%
315-0: Theory of Machines: Design of Elements0%100%0%
316-0: Mechanical Systems Design0%100%0%
320-0: Micro-and Nanomechanical Properties of Surfaces0%100%0%
322-0: Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics - II0%100%0%
327-0: Finite Elements for Stress Analysis0%100%0%
328-0: Computational Failure Analysis0%100%0%
329-0: Mechanistic Data Science for Engineering0%100%0%
333-0: Introduction to Mechatronics0%100%0%
340-1: Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Manufacturing Processes0%100%0%
340-2: Computer Integrated Manufacturing: CAD/CAM0%100%0%
340-3: Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Automation0%100%0%
341-0: Computational Methods for Engineering Design0%100%0%
346-0: Introduction to Tribology 0%100%0%
359-0: Reliability Engineering0%100%0%
360-0: Mechanics of Sports0%100%0%
362-0: Stress Analysis0%100%0%
363-0: Mechanical Vibrations0%100%0%
364-0: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering0%100%0%
366-0: Finite Elements for Design and Optimization0%100%0%
367-0: Quantitative Methods in Life Cycle Analysis0%100%0%
371-0: Combustion Engines0%100%0%
373-0: Engineering Fluid Mechanics0%100%0%
377-0: Heat Transfer0%100%0%
378-0: Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer0%100%0%
380-0: Thermal Energy Systems Design0%100%0%
381-0: Introduction to Micro-electro-mechanical Systems0%100%0%
382-0: Experiments in Micro- and Nano Science and Engineering0%100%0%
385-0: Nanotechnology0%100%0%
390-0: Introduction to Dynamic Systems0%100%0%
395-0: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering0%100%0%
398-1: Engineering Design I0%100%0%
398-2: Engineering Design II0%100%0%

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Personal Development

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-1: McCormick First Year Experience0%0%0%
101-2: McCormick First Year Experience0%0%0%
200-0: PATH (Personal Development Studio Lab)0%0%100%
300-0: Designing Your Life0%0%100%
325-0: Emotional Intelligence 101 - Managing Yourself Maximizing Potential0%0%100%
335-1: Engineering Improv 1: The Art of Allowing0%0%100%
335-2: Engineering Improve 2: The Art of Inspiration0%0%100%
345-0: Whole-body Thinking: Collaborative Problem Solving through Partner Dancing0%0%100%

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Segal Design Institute

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
106-1: Design Thinking and Communication0%50%50%
106-2: Design Thinking and Communication0%50%50%
208-0: Design Thinking and Doing0%50%50%
220-0: Introduction to Design Sketching0%50%50%
221-0: Advanced Sketching0%50%50%
240-0: Introduction to Solid Modeling: Solidworks0%100%0%
241: Wireframing and App Design Basics 0%50%50%
243-0: Visual Thinking for Design0%50%50%
295-0: Introductory Topics in Deisgn0%100%0%
297-0: Intermediate Tpcs in Eng Dsgn0%100%0%
300-0: Designing Your Life0%0%100%
305-0: Human Centered Service Design0%100%0%
306-0: User Experience Design0%75%25%
308-0: Human-Centered Product Design0%100%0%
315-0: Design, Technology, and Research0%100%0%
320-0: Intro to Industrial Design Methods0%50%50%
321-0: Advanced Solid Modeling0%100%0%
322-0: Rendering0%100%0%
345-0: Computer Aided Manufacturing0%100%0%
346-0: Manufacturing Methods for Product Design0%100%0%
348-0: Rapid Prototyping0%100%0%
350-0: Intellectual Property and Innovation0%100%0%
360-0: Design Competition0%100%0%
370-0: Portfolio Development and Presentation0%25%75%
375-0: Data as Art0%50%50%
376: Leonardo, Geometry, and the Art of Manufacturing 0%50%50%
380-1: Industrial Design Projects0%50%50%
380-2: Industrial Design Projects II0%50%50%
382-1: Service Design Studio I0%100%0%
382-2: Service Design Studio II0%100%0%
384-1: Indterdisciplinary Design Projects I0%100%0%
384-2: Indterdisciplinary Design Projects II0%100%0%
386-0: Manufacturing Engineering Design0%100%0%
388-1: MaDE Capstone Sequence I0%100%0%
388-2: MaDE Capstone Sequence II0%100%0%
388-3: MaDE Capstone Sequence III0%100%0%
395-0: Special Topics0%100%0%
397-0: Advanced Topics in Design0%100%0%

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Walter P. Murphy Co-operative Engineering Education Program

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
310-0: Co-operative Engineering Experience0%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Modern Cosmology100%0%0%
103-0: Solar System100%0%0%
110-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
111-0: Intro to Astrobiology100%0%0%
120-0: Highlights of Astronomy100%0%0%
220-0: Intro to Astrophysics100%0%0%
329-0: Extragalex Astrphys & Cosmlgy100%0%0%
331-0: Astrophysics ISP100%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
100-1: Intro to Calculus & Chemistry100%0%0%
100-2: Intro to BioSci and NU100%0%0%
101-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
103-0: Diversity of Life100%0%0%
103-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
104-0: Plant-People Interactions100%0%0%
106-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
107-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
109-0: The Nature of Plants100%0%0%
110-1: BIO: Genetics and Evolution100%0%0%
110-2: BIO: Mol & Biochem100%0%0%
110-3: BIO: Phys & Cell Biology100%0%0%
115-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
116-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
160-0: Human Reproduction100%0%0%
201-0: Molecular Biology100%0%0%
202-0: Cell Biology100%0%0%
203-0: Genetics and Evolution 100%0%0%
210-1: Genetics & Evolutionary Biology100%0%0%
210-2: Biochem & Mol Bio100%0%0%
212-1: ISP Biochemistry100%0%0%
212-2: ISP Molecular and Cell Biology100%0%0%
215-0: Genetics & Molecular Biology100%0%0%
216-0: Cell Biology100%0%0%
217-0: Physiology100%0%0%
217-0: Physiology & Cell Biology100%0%0%
218-0: Biochemistry100%0%0%
220-0: Gen & Mol Proc Lab100%0%0%
221-0: Cellular Process Lab100%0%0%
222-0: Physical Processes Lab100%0%0%
240-0: ISP Molecular & Cell Biology100%0%0%
241-0: ISP Biochemistry100%0%0%
301-0: Biochemistry100%0%0%
304-0: Devel. Neuro & Stem Cells100%0%0%
309-0: Principles of Biochemistry100%0%0%
310-0: ISP Quantitative Molecular Bio100%0%0%
311-0: ISP Neurobiology100%0%0%
315-0: Cell Biology100%0%0%
322-0: Systems/Computational Neuro100%0%0%
327-0: Biology of Aging100%0%0%
397-0: Undergraduate Lab TA100%0%0%
398-0: Tutorial in Biology100%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: General Chemistry100%0%0%
102-0: Gen Inorg Chem100%0%0%
103-0: Gen Phys Chem100%0%0%
105-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
121-0: Gen Chem Lab100%0%0%
122-0: Gen Inorganic Chem Lab100%0%0%
123-0: General Physical Chem Lab100%0%0%
171-0: Accel Inorg Chem100%0%0%
172-0: Accel Phys Chem100%0%0%
181-0: Acc Gen Inorg Chem Lab100%0%0%
182-0: Acc General Chem Lab100%0%0%
212-1: Organic100%0%0%
212-2: Organic100%0%0%
212-3: Organic100%0%0%
215-1: Organic Chemistry I100%0%0%
215-2: Organic Chem II100%0%0%
215-3: Advanced Organic Chemistry100%0%0%
220-0: Intr. Instrumental Analysis100%0%0%
230-2: Organic Chem Lab I100%0%0%
230-3: Organic Chem Lab II100%0%0%
232-1: Organic Chemistry Lab I100%0%0%
329-0: Analytic Chem100%0%0%
333-0: Inorganic Chem100%0%0%
342-1: Thermodynamics100%0%0%
342-2: Quen Mech/Spectr100%0%0%
342-3: Kin/Stat Thermo100%0%0%
348-0: Phys Chem for ISP100%0%0%

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Cognitive Science

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
207-0: Intr Cog Modeling100%0%0%
210-0: Language and the Brain0%0%100%
211-0: Learning, Rep., and Reason0%0%100%
211-0: Intro to Cognitive Science100%0%0%
366-0: Cognitive Science Proseminar50%0%50%

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Communication Sciences and Disorders

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
CSD 202-0: Neurobiology of Communication50%0%50%
CSD 302-0: Peripheral Hear Mechanism50%0%50%
CSD 306-0: Psychacoustics50%0%50%
CSD 310-0: Biol Found of Speech & Music50%0%50%
CSD 318-0: Introduction to Audiology100%0%0%
CSD 376-0: Diagnostic & Remedial Appr50%0%50%

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Earth and Planetary Sciences

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Earth Sci for the 21st Century100%0%0%
102-6: Freshman Seminar50%0%50%
103-0: Geologic Hazards100%0%0%
105-0: Climate Catastrophes100%0%0%
106-0: Ocean/Atmosphere/Climate100%0%0%
111-0: Human Dimens of Global Change0%0%100%
114-0: Evolution & Scientific Method100%0%0%
201-0: Earth Systems Revealed100%0%0%
202-0: Earth's Interior100%0%0%
203-0: Earth System History100%0%0%
301-0: Petrology: Crustal/Mantal Rocks100%0%0%
316-0: Earth's Changing Climate100%0%0%
320-0: Global Tectonics100%0%0%
323-0: Seismology and Earth Structure100%0%0%
324-0: Earthquakes and Tectonics100%0%0%
340-0: Paleobiology100%0%0%
342-0: Energy and Climate Change100%0%0%
350-0: Physics of the Earth100%0%0%
351-0: Forming a Habitable Planet100%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
380-1: Game Theory100%0%0%
381-1: Intro to Econometrics100%0%0%

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Environmental Sciences

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
201-0: Earth, A Habitable Planet100%0%0%
202-0: The Health of the Biosphere100%0%0%
202-0: Biosphere100%0%0%
203-0: Energy and the Environment0%100%0%
390-0: Special Topics in Env Sciences100%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
211-0: World Biogeography100%0%0%
240-0: Economic Geography0%0%100%
312-0: Geog of Chicago & Its Region0%0%100%
313-0: North American Geography0%0%100%
341-0: Principles of Cartography100%0%0%
343-0: Geographic Information Systems100%0%0%

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Global Health Studies

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
301-0: International Public Health0%0%100%
302-0: Global Bioethics0%0%100%
303-0: Gender and Global Health0%0%100%
311-SA: Health Care Systems in Europe0%0%100%
312-SA: Public Health in Europe: Issue0%0%100%
313-SA: Research Seminar0%0%100%
314-SA: Developments in South Africa0%0%100%
390-0: Special Topics in Global Hlth0%0%100%

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Human Development and Psychological Services

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
201-0: Intro to Psych Services0%0%100%
201-1: Marriage 1010%0%100%

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Initiative in Sustainability and Energy

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
210-0: Introduction to Sustainability0%50%50%
210-0: Energy Systems for 21st Century0%100%0%
220-0: Energy Systems for 21st Century0%100%0%
230-0: Sustainability -Ethics & Politics0%0%100%
390-SA: Special Topic in Energy & Sust0%0%100%

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Integrated Science

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-1: Computing Applications0%100%0%
101-2: Computing Applications0%100%0%
398-0: Undergraduate Research100%0%0%

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Kellogg Undergraduate Certificates

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
310-0: Principles of Finance0%0%100%
312-0: Investments0%0%100%
314-0: Derivatives50%0%50%
316-0: Topics in Financial Economics0%0%100%
320-0: Decision Modeling0%100%0%
322-0: Pricing0%0%100%
324-0: Supply Chain Management0%100%0%
326-0: Topics in Managerial Analytics0%100%0%
328-0: Competitive Stgy & Indus Stru0%0%100%
350-0: Summer Internship0%0%100%

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Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
211-1: Soc Sci Theo-I0%0%100%
211-2: Soc Sci Theo-I0%0%100%
211-3: Soc Sci Theo-I0%0%100%
311-1: Soc Sci Theo-II0%0%100%
311-2: Soc Sci Theo-II0%0%100%
398-1: Senior Seminar100%0%0%

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Naval Science

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
110-0: Intro to Naval Organization0%0%100%
120-0: Sea Power and Maritime Affairs0%0%100%
210-0: Marine Navigation0%100%0%
220-0: Naval Weapons0%100%0%
230-0: Leadership/Mgmt Seminar0%0%100%
331-0: Naval Operations0%100%0%
341-0: Naval Leadership and Ethics0%0%100%
345-0: Naval Engineering0%100%0%
350-0: Naval Science Lab0%100%0%
355-0: Directed Study0%100%0%

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Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems

Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-0: Introduction to Programming for Big Data0%0%0%
102-0: Project for Introduction to Programming for Big Data0%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
103-0: Idea of Physics100%0%0%
105-0: Music, Sound, Timbre50%0%50%
110-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
125-1: General Physics ISP100%0%0%
125-2: General Physics ISP100%0%0%
125-3: General Physics ISP100%0%0%
130-1: College Physics100%0%0%
130-2: College Physics100%0%0%
135-1: General Physics100%0%0%
135-2: General Physics100%0%0%
135-3: General Physics100%0%0%
136-1: Physics Lab100%0%0%
136-2: Physics Lab100%0%0%
136-3: Physics Lab100%0%0%
238-0: Energy and Nuclear Power100%0%0%
252-0: Intro to Computational Physics100%0%0%
330-1: Classical Mech100%0%0%
332-0: Statistical Mechanics100%0%0%
333-1: Adv Electricity & Magnetism100%0%0%
333-2: Adv Electricity & Magnetism100%0%0%
339-1: Quantum Mechanics100%0%0%
339-2: Quantum Mechanics100%0%0%
352-0: Intro to Computational Physics100%0%0%
371-0: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos100%0%0%

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Course NameMathematics & Basic Science TopicsEngineering TopicsGeneral Education
101-6: Freshman Seminar100%0%0%
202-0: Introduction to Statistics100%0%0%
210-0: Statistics for Social Sciences100%0%0%
320-1: Statistical Methods100%0%0%
320-2: Statistical Methods100%0%0%
325-0: Survey Sampling100%0%0%
330-1: App Stat Res I100%0%0%
350-0: Regression Analysis100%0%0%
383-0: Probability & Stats for ISP100%0%0%

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