Forget Imitation Crab - Researchers Test Snackable Snails
Shedd Aquarium and Northwestern Engineering students design tasty artificial shelled treats for ocean predators.
Advisors: Stacy Benjamin and John Anderson - Segal
Innovative, adaptable curriculum is central to our mission to educate with an eye toward future challenges.
The field of engineering is evolving and the ways we teach must match this evolution. Concurrent with Northwestern Engineering's mission to revolutionize the methods of engineering is its mission to empower students to use these methods and envision new ones. A pillar of our strategic plan is to prioritize innovative, adaptable curriculum and programs to prepare the next generation of engineers to address challenges in an ever-changing landscape.
Setting the stage with design, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking
When Northwestern Engineering introduced its Engineering First curriculum more than 25 years ago, it jump-started a trend of incorporating design and the process of design thinking into undergraduate engineering education. Through the curriculum's flagship Design Thinking and Communication (DTC) course, first-year students collaborate with industry and nonprofit organizations to address client needs by integrating engineering science and mathematics with design while also building vital writing and communication skills.
Now we are taking the next step. By injecting innovation-based and entrepreneurial-based thinking into the Engineering First curriculum, we will train our students, starting in the first year, to think about how their research and projects can better connect to companies, the marketplace, and policy makers. By doing this, we will prepare our students to make the greatest possible impact.
Shedd Aquarium and Northwestern Engineering students design tasty artificial shelled treats for ocean predators.
Advisors: Stacy Benjamin and John Anderson - Segal
DTC students collaborated with Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to design a solution to prevent broken dynamometers.
Advisor: Kiki Zissimopoulos - Segal
DTC students designed a natural air purifier - named Arbor - that uses moss.
Advisor: Janice Mejia - IEMS, Segal
Weaving design thinking throughout the undergraduate curriculum alongside other newly defined engineering methods
Design thinking has been a focus in the first-year engineering experience for many years at Northwestern Engineering. Now, we will move to more deeply incorporate the design thinking mindset, process, and tools throughout the undergraduate curriculum and into senior-year capstone courses, ensuring that the school's unique approach to design innovation is leveraged alongside other engineering methods.
Biomedical engineering students developed an automated staining system using a 3D printing technology.
Advisor: Matthew Glucksberg - BME
Student startup provides insightful genetic analysis while preserving privacy.
Advisor: Hayes Ferguson - Farley
Student develops prototype device to help farmers more efficiently use water.
Advisor: Peshkin - ME
Adapting our curriculum and degree offerings to match the needs of a rapidly evolving engineering landscape
At all academic levels, Northwestern Engineering will continue to provide a curriculum that's as nimble as it is rigorous. By creating new degree programs and specializations, and expanding existing offerings, we will prepare our students to drive impact and transformation in their chosen fields.
Students will build skills to develop data science pipelines using computational data analysis to design and control engineering systems.
Director: Jill Wilson - IEMS
New program will leverage the strengths of the two departments.
Codirectors: Yip-Wah Chung - MSE; Greg Wagner - ME
Read about the Joint Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science MS Program
Accelerated five-quarter program to address the intersection of business and technology management.
Codirector: Andrew Fano - MBAi