Graduate Study / ProgramsPhD Programs
McCormick’s PhD students work with our world-class faculty to research advanced topics in engineering. Upon graduating, our students are prepared to innovate and perform at the highest level both in academia and the private sector.
How to Apply
Each McCormick department handles its own recruitment and admissions processes for PhD students. Follow the links on this page for more information about specific programs and departments.
All departmental PhD applicants use the same online application.
Departmental PhD Programs
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- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
- Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Interdisciplinary Programs
Biomedical Engineering
The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at McCormick provides students with the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research in a wide variety of areas such as neural engineering, cardiovascular and pulmonary engineering, materials and tissues, and imaging and biophotonics.
The department believes that students should be trained to do both theoretical and experimental work, and most PhD theses include both components.
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Chemical and Biological Engineering
Emphasizing both core chemical engineering training as well as interdisciplinary research on the cutting edge of the field, the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering provides students with the tools, experience, and adaptability to prosper in research and development in industry or government, or as faculty members at colleges and universities.
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Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) provides graduate students with individual mentorship and an exceptional range of opportunities in areas such as geotechnics, mechanics of materials and solids, structural engineering and infrastructure materials, and more. CEE prepares its PhD students to become the next generation of leaders able to address a wide variety of social, economic, and physical challenges in constructing and managing the industrial and public works infrastructure.
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Computer Engineering
The PhD in computer engineering program prepares students to become innovative leaders in academic, industrial, and entrepreneurial settings. The focus on this program is on research, including areas such as computer architecture; computer-aided design; mobile systems; parallel processing; hardware software interaction; VLSI design; embedded systems; systems simulation; robotics; and large-scale systems.
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Computer Science
The PhD program in computer science enables students to work with leading researchers in cutting-edge labs advancing work in distributed systems, artificial intelligence, human computer interaction, theoretical computer science, and computer graphics. In addition, there are ample opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations across the Northwestern schools.
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Electrical Engineering
The PhD program in electrical engineering provides students with the opportunity to work with leading, world-renowned faculty members in research areas such as solid-state devices, photonics, image and video processing, and wireless communications.
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Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
The applied math department solves complex science and engineering problems using mathematical models.
ESAM’s PhD program prepares students for independent research and helps them adapt their research areas to current career opportunities. Graduates can go on to teach at the university/college level or continue PhD-level research at national and industrial laboratories or similar environments.
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Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
The IEMS PhD program is an excellent choice for analytically talented students interested in developing theoretical and practical tools that can be used to solve problems in industry and government. IEMS does not offer a terminal MS degree.
Our IEMS faculty members have been honored with awards and fellowships from leading professional societies such as INFORMS, IIE and ASA. Many hold appointments to the editorial boards of flagship journals in their fields. Their research is supported by grants from the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Office of Naval Research, and many industrial corporate sponsors.
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Materials Science and Engineering
Since it was established more than 50 years ago as the first materials science academic department in the world, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering has continued to lead the field.
As a PhD student, you will work closely with your adviser to engage in pioneering materials research. You’ll have the opportunity to contribute to joint projects with other McCormick departments, Northwestern’s chemistry, physics, and geological sciences departments, the Feinberg School of Medicine, and national laboratories such as Argonne National Laboratory.
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Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering provides graduate students with an exciting array of coursework and research, blending fundamental skills with cutting-edge science and technology. Faculty and students develop novel technologies and capabilities across a host of technically challenging areas such as nanotechnology, robotics, virtual design and manufacturing, tribology, composite materials, and more.
The graduate program focuses primarily on the discovery of new knowledge and technologies. Doctoral students are expected not only to pursue a rigorous course of study, but also to demonstrate scholarly distinction by advancing the state of knowledge in their chosen fields.
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Interdisciplinary Programs
Computer Science and Learning Sciences
The Joint PhD Program in Computer Science and Learning Sciences builds on enduring and growing connections between research on learning and computation. Rapid technological advances continue to create new and exciting ways to both understand and support learning in all settings and in all stages of life. This program is intended for students with an interest in both fields who would otherwise be forced to choose one area or the other.
Example areas of interest include:
- educational data mining
- computational modeling and simulations
- adaptive technology for learning
- access issues in computing
- intelligent tutoring systems
- interaction design to support learning
Technology and Social Behavior
Northwestern’s doctoral program in technology and social behavior recruits students from a variety of backgrounds and gives them rigorous training in:
- humanities
- social sciences
- human-computer interaction
- computer science methodologies
This innovative study of technology and social behavior prepares students to bridge different disciplines, putting you in the strongest possible position for today’s academic and industry research jobs.
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Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM) is an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental graduate degree program. Adaptable to the specific needs and abilities of its students, TAM allows qualified students of engineering, mathematics, physics, or an allied science to pursue their PhD in solid mechanics or fluid mechanics.
Some specific research areas for TAM PhD students include:
- computational mechanics
- mechanics in biology and fluids
- micro/nanomechanics
- multifunctional materials
- geomechanics
- structural reliability and nondestructive characterization
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Applied Physics Graduate Program
This program serves as a hub for collaborative research and innovation among faculty and students in:
- physics & astronomy
- molecular biosciences
- chemistry
- earth & planetary sciences
- electrical & computer engineering
- materials science & engineering
This program offers interdisciplinary PhD research opportunities for prospective graduate students with a strong undergraduate background in physics. The program prepares graduates for professional careers in science and technology, either in academics or in industry.
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PhD Research Clusters
McCormick supports a range of interdisciplinary research clusters, such as Segal Design Institute's Design Cluster and the Predictive Science & Engineering Design (PS&ED) cluster, that enable graduate students and faculty from different departments and schools to work together to advance research in various fields.