First-Year Students
Course Registration

This page is updated quarterly and includes information for the upcoming quarter only. During registration for the upcoming term, this page houses links to forms for requesting placement in closed sections of Engineering Analysis (EA), Design Thinking & Communication (DTC), and PRDV 101 McCormick First-Year Experience (FYE). Other courses outside of these areas are managed through their respective departments.

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Registration Tips

Registration Holds 

Students should check their CAESAR account for registration holds well in advance of their registration appointment to avoid any delays once enrollment begins. Please keep in mind that there are many types of holds and the majority are not managed by the Undergraduate Engineering Office. You can view details on a hold, information on required steps for that hold to be lifted, and details on which department oversees that hold in CAESAR.

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First-Year Registration

Non-McCormick Courses

For information on non-McCormick courses taken by the majority of our students, such as Math & Chem, please see the following link:

Learn about non-McCormick course holds

Design Thinking and Communication 1 (DTC)

Listing in CAESAR: DSGN 106-1 (.5 credit) AND ENGL 106-1 (.5 credit)

DTC has three components each time you enroll (listed below). Concurrent enrollment in all three is needed to avoid registration errors.

DTC-1 is offered Fall and Winter (DSGN/ENGL 106-1). DTC-2 is offered each spring (DSGN/ENGL 106-2). Multiple sections are offered each term and do not require a permission number. Please enroll in an open section along with a Monday discussion.

Showing enrollment example for DTC-1:

  • DSGN 106-1-XX (XX = section number)
  • ENGL 106-1-XX (XX = section number selected above)
  • DSGN 106-1-60 or -61 (Monday discussion)  

DTC Enrollment Request Form

Engineering Analysis II (EA 2) Trailer

Listing in CAESAR: GEN_ENG 205-2

This trailer is offered for McCormick students who still need to complete EA 2. The class does not require a permission number to enroll. Submit the form below if you have difficulty registering for the EA 2 trailer. 

EA 2 Trailer Enrollment Request Form

Engineering Analysis III (EA 3) 

Listing in CAESAR: GEN_ENG 205-3

At your enrollment time, if you believe you have a special circumstance that necessitates enrolling in a currently closed section of EA 3, please submit your request below. 

We will accommodate requests where possible but must stay within the enrollment limits for each section and, unfortunately, cannot guarantee we will grant every request. Students who have submitted requests will be notified regarding whether a seat is available. We will begin processing waitlist requests on Monday, March 3rd, but they can take a few weeks to fully work through. If you see a class open, please register for that class. 

EA 3 Enrollment Request Form 

Honors Engineering Analysis IV (EA 4) 

Listing in CAESAR: GEN_ENG 206-4

Students who successfully completed Honors EA 1 and/or are taking the ESAM 252 Honors Calculus sequence will automatically receive an invitation to confirm a spot in Honors EA 4 for spring 2025. Please note that these students must confirm their intent to enroll in the class via a form that will be linked in that invite email. Invite emails will be sent on February 17th and Honors EA 1/ESAM 252 students will have until February 21st to confirm their spots. 

Students who have not taken Honors EA 1 and/or the ESAM 252 sequence but wish to request a seat in Honors EA 4 should complete the form below by March 3rd. (You must be logged into your NU email to access this form.) We will begin reviewing requests based on capacity in the course starting March 3rd and students will be notified of whether they have a seat in the course by the start of spring quarter.

NOTE: The BS degree requirements for Computer Science and Industrial Engineering do not include EA 4. Students pursuing these majors who are interested in taking EA 4 should discuss the decision with their First-Year Adviser.

Honors EA 4 Waitlist Request Form 


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