Faculty DirectoryHaoqi Zhang

Associate Professor of Computer Science
2233 Tech DriveMudd Room 3531
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
Email Haoqi Zhang
Design, Technology, and Research (DTR)
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D. Computer Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
A.B. Computer Science, Harvard University & Economics, Cambridge, MA
Research Interests
Haoqi Zhang is an associate professor in Computer Science and Design at Northwestern University. His work advances the design of integrated socio-technical models that solve complex problems and advance human values at scale. His research bridges the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Social and Crowd Computing, Learning Science, and Decision Science, and is generously supported by National Science Foundation grants in Cyber-Human Systems, Cyberlearning (1, 2, 3), and the Research Initiation Initiative.
Haoqi received his PhD in Computer Science and BA in Computer Science and Economics from Harvard University. At Northwestern he founded and directs the Design, Technology, and Research (DTR) program, which provides an original model for research training for 160+ graduate and undergraduate students. With Matt Easterday, Liz Gerber, and Nell O'Rourke, Haoqi co-directs the Delta Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab and design studio across computer science, learning science, and design.
Selected Publications
Searching for the Non-Consequential: Dialectical Activities in HCI and the Limits of Computers [PDF]. CHI 2024.
Orchestration Scripts: A System for Encoding an Organization’s Ways of Working to Support Situated Work [PDF]. CHI 2023.
Understanding the Practices and Challenges of Networked Orchestration in Research Communities of Practice [PDF]. CSCW 2022.
Affinder: Expressing Concepts of Situations that Afford Activities using Context-Detectors [PDF]. CHI 2022.
Opportunistic Collective Experiences: Identifying Shared Situations and Structuring Shared Activities at Distance [PDF]. CSCW 2020.
4X: A Hybrid Approach for Scaffolding Data Collection and Interest in Low-Effort Participatory Sensing [PDF]. CSCW 2019.
Isopleth: Supporting Sensemaking in Professional Web Applications to Create Readily Available Learning Experiences [PDF]. TOCHI 2019.
Ply: A Visual Web Inspector for Learning from Professional Webpages [PDF]. UIST 2018.
Hit-or-Wait: Coordinating Opportunistic Low-effort Contributions to Achieve Global Outcomes in On-the-go Crowdsourcing [PDF]. CHI 2018
Agile Research Studios: Orchestrating Communities of Practice to Advance Research Training at Scale [PDF], CSCW 2017.
Telescope: Fine-Tuned Discovery of Interactive Web UI Feature Implementation [PDF], UIST 2016.
Habitsourcing: Sensing the Environment through Immersive, Habit-Building Experiences [PDF], UIST 2016.
Studying the Effects of Task Notification Policies on Participation and Outcomes in On-the-go Crowdsourcing [PDF], HCOMP 2016.
Remote Paper Prototype Testing [PDF], CHI 2015.
Pair Research: Matching People for Collaboration, Learning, and Productivity. [PDF], CSCW 2014.
Cobi: A Community-Informed Conference Scheduling Tool [PDF, Project Overview and Demo], UIST 2013.