Faculty DirectoryJean-François Gaillard

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and (by courtesy) Earth and Planetary Sciences
2145 Sheridan RoadTech A324
Evanston, IL 60208-3109
847-467-1376Email Jean-François Gaillard
Civil and Environmental Engineering
D.Sc. Docteur Ès Sciences Physiques - Géochimie, University Denis Diderot (Paris 7) and Paris Institute of Earth Physics (I.P.G.P.), Paris, France
Dr. Docteur de 3ème cycle en Sciences de l'Eau, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
M.S. Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Sciences de l'Eau, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
B.S. Maîtrise de Sciences et Techniques Air et Eau, University of Savoie, Chambéry, France
Research Interests
The primary focus of the research performed in my group is to understand the molecular and biogeochemical processes that affect the fate of metals in aquatic systems. A special emphasis is to elucidate how the chemical speciation of metals controls their biouptake/bioavailability focusing on microbial species. We are conducting field studies, laboratory experiments, and using modeling approaches based on advanced analytical, microscopic, and spectroscopic methods. Our most recent activities have been centered on the chemical fate of As, Ni, and Hg in aquatic environments as well as on the environmental impacts of nano-structured materials commonly used.
Keywords: Environmental Chemistry, Metal Speciation, Biogeochemical Cycling of Metals and Metalloids, x-ray absoprtion spectroscopy
Selected Publications
- Wallace, Samuel M.; Zhou, Lang; Ma, Qing; Denslow, Nancy D.; Bonzongo, Jean Claude J.; Gaillard, Jean Francois, An XAS study of Hg(II) sorption to Al-based drinking water treatment residuals, Chemosphere (2024).
- Fu, Han; Shewfelt, Sofia; Sylvan, Lena D.; Gaillard, Jean François; Gray, Kimberly A., Polyaniline-metal oxide coatings for biocidal applications, Chemosphere (2024).
- Yang, Zhaoxun; Gaillard, Jean François, Dissolution kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles in presence of glyphosate, NanoImpact (2024).
- Wallace, Samuel M.; Zhang, Yuchi; Zhou, Lang; Ma, Qing; Guise, William E.; Denslow, Nancy D.; Bonzongo, Jean Claude; Gaillard, Jean François, The diversity of aluminum-based drinking water treatment residuals for use in environmental remediation, Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology (2023).
- Wu, Shushan; Gaillard, Jean François; Gray, Kimberly A., The impacts of metal-based engineered nanomaterial mixtures on microbial systems, Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021).
- Vargas, Felipe; Alsina, Marco A.; Gaillard, Jean François; Pasten, Pablo; Lopez, Mauricio, Copper entrapment and immobilization during cement hydration in concrete mixtures containing copper tailings, Journal of Cleaner Production 312 (2021).
- Zhou, Lang; Wallace, Samuel M.; Kroll, Kevin J.; Denslow, Nancy D.; Gaillard, Jean François; Meyer, Peter; Bonzongo, Jean Claude J., Acute and Chronic Toxicity Testing of Drinking Water Treatment Residuals in Freshwater Systems, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(7):2005-2014 (2021).
- Elsamadony, Mohamed; Elreedy, Ahmed; Mostafa, Alsayed; Fujii, Manabu; Gescher, Johannes; Shakeri Yekta, Sepehr; Schnürer, Anna; Gaillard, Jean François; Pant, Deepak, Perspectives on Potential Applications of Nanometal Derivatives in Gaseous Bioenergy Pathways, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 9(29):9563-9589 (2021).